Sambucus Nigra Golden Tower
The ‘Golden Tower’ name already gives away what makes this Sambucus nigra so special. ‘Gold’ because of its green-yellow leaf, which appears to be gold in the sunlight. And ‘Tower’ because of its narrow but tall growth. The elderberry has deeply cut shaped leaves and a white blossom in summer. Maintenance is simple. Plant into a moist, humus-rich soil, providing half shade. The shrub is very cold and frost resistant. The Golden Tower will reach 3 metre heights and can be 70 centimetres wide. Its slim shape makes it into an ideal plant for both larger and smaller gardens. A true eye-catcher, bringing height and colour to your garden.
- Types: Golden Tower
- Maintenance: regular pruning
- Winter hardy: yes
- Pot size: P19 (3 ltr)
- Colour flower/berry: white
- Application:garden
- Certification: MPS-A